This image shows Oliver Sawodny

Oliver Sawodny

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c.

Sprecher des GRK 2543
Institut für Systemdynamik, Fakultät Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik
Professor (W3) und Institutsleiter


Waldburgstraße 17/19
70563 Stuttgart


ausgewählte Publikationen

Kurth, Anna-Carina; Schmidt, Kevin; Sawodny, Oliver: "Inversion-based and Optimal Feedforward Control for Population Dynamics with Input Constraints and Self-Competition in Chemostat Reactor Applications"; in Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, accepted

Schmidt, Kevin; Böhm, Michael; Beirow, Frieder; Graf, Thomas; Abdou-Ahmed, Marwan; Sawodny, Oliver: "Towards Adaptive High-Power lasers: Model-Based Control and Disturbance Compensation Using Moving Horizon Estimators"; in Elsevier/Mechatronics; accepted

Müller, Daniel; Veil, Carina; Seidel, Marc; Sawodny, Oliver: "One-Shot Kinesthetic Programming by Demonstration for Soft Collaborative Robots"; in Elsevier/Mechatronics Vol 70, Oct 2020

Müller, Daniel; Veil, Carina; Sawodny, Oliver: "Model-predictive reference trajectory planning for redundant pneumatic collaborative robots"; in De Gruyter/at-Automatisierungstechnik 2020, 68(5)

Mayer, Annika; Müller, Daniel; Sawodny, Oliver: "Model-predictive reference trajectory planning for redundant pneumatic collaborative robots"; in De Gruyter/at-Automatisierungsechnik 2020; 68(5)

Gienger, Andreas; Ostertag, Andreas; Böhm, Michael; Bertsche, Bernd; Sawodny, Oliver; Tarín, Cristina: "Data-based Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures using Convolutional Neural Networks"; in Unmanned Systems Vol 8 No. 2 (2020)

Gienger, Andreas; Wagner, Julia; Böhm, Michael; Sawodny, Oliver; Tarín, Cristina: "Robust Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures with unknown Stochastic Disturbances"; submitted online, in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems technology, Paper ID: TCST-2020-0019

Kalnenieks, Uldis; Balodite, Elina; Strähler, Steffi; Strazdina, Inese; Rex, Julia; Pentjuss, Agris; Fuchino, Katsuya; Bruheim, Per; Rutkis, Reinis; Pappas, Katherine M.; Poole, Robert K.; Sawodny, Oliver; Bettenbrock, Katja: "Improvement of Acetaldehyde Production in Zymomonas mobilis by Engineering of Its Aerobic Metabolism"; in Frontiers in Microbiology, Nov 2019

Ehlting, Christian; Rex, Julia; Albrecht, Ute; Deenen, René; Tiedje, Christopher; Köhrer, Karl; Sawodny, Oliver; Gaestel, Matthias; Häussinger, Dieter; Bode, Johannes Georg: "Cooperative and distinct functions of MK2 and MK3 in the regulation of the macrophage transcriptional response to liposaccharide"; in Nature Scientific Reports 2019 9:11021

Esslinger, D., Rapp, P.; Knödler, L.; Preibsch, H.; Sawodny, O.; Tarín, C.; Brucker, S.; Hahn, M.: "A Novel Finite Element Model Based Navigation System Supported orkflow for Breast Tumor Excision"; in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

Esslinger, D.; Rapp, P.; Wiertz, S.; Rendich, H.; Marsden, R.; Sawodny, O.; Tarín, C.: "Accurate opto-accoustic and inertial 3D pose tracking of moving objects with particle filtering"; in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, April 2019 Vol 69 Issue 3

Rex, Julia; Lutz, Anna; Faletti, Laura E.; Albrecht, Ute; Thomas, Maria; Bode, Johannes G.; Borner, Christoph; Sawodny, Oliver; Merfort, Irmgard: "IL-1ß and TNFa Differnetially Influence NF-kB Activity and FasL-Induced Apoptosos in Primary Murine Hepatocates During LPS-Induced Inflammation"; in Frontiers in Physiology, Feb 2019

Günther, Janine; Sawodny, Oliver: "Feature selection and Gaussian Process regression for personalized thermal comfort prediction"; in Elsevier Building & Environment 2018

Schmidt, Kevin; Wittmüß, Philipp; Pehler, Stefan; Abdou-Ahmed, Marwan; Graf, Thomas; Sawodny, Oliver: "Modeling and simulating the thermoelastic deformation of mirrors using transient multilayer models"; in Elsevier Mechatronics, June 2018. Vol 53

Feuer, R.; Gottlieb, K.; Klotz, J.; von Wulffen, J.; Bossert, M.; Sprenger, G.; Sawodny, O.: "The Evolutive Adaption of the Transcriptional Information Transmission in E-Coli"; in Springer/ Information- and Communication Theory in Molecular Biology 2017

Aicher, W.; Kelp, A.; Albrecht, A.; Amend, B.; Klünder, M.; Rapp, Ph.; Sawodny, O.; Stenzl, A.: "Establishing and monitoring of urethral sphincter deficiency in a large animal model"; in World of Urology, 35 (12)

von Wulffen, Joachim; Ulmer, Andreas; Jäger, Günter, Sawodny, Oliver; Feuer, Ronny: "Rapid sampling of E.coli After Changing Oxygen Conditions Reveals Transcriptional Dynamics; in MDPI Microbial Genetics and Genomics"; Genes 2018, 8, 90

Heidungsfeld, M.; Horio, R.; Baesch, B.; Riethmüller, C.; Gresser, G.T.; Sawodny, O.: "Introduction, mathematical modelling, and motion control of the novel pneumatic textile actuator"; in International Journal of Fluid Power, 2017, Vol 18 No. 2

Klünder, Mario; Sawodny, Oliver; Amend, Bastian; Ederer, Michael; Kelp, Alexandra; Sievert, Karl-Dietrich; Stenzl, Arnulf; Feuer, Ronny: "Assessing the Reproducibility of High Definition Urthral Pressure Profilometry and its correlation with an air-charged system"; in Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2017, 36

Falkenhahn, Valentin; Hildebrandt, Alexander; Neumann, Rüdiger; Sawodny, Oliver: "Dynamic Control of the Bionic Handling Assistant"; in IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017 Vol 22, No 1

Alt, Stefan; Schmidt, Kevin; Arnold, Eckhard; Zeitz, Michael; Sawodny, Oliver: "Inversion-based feedforward control design for linear transport systems with spatially distributed control input"; in International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48 (5)

Amend, Bastian; Kelp, Alexandra, Vaegler, Martin; Klünder, Mario; Frajs, Viktoria; Klein, Gerd; Sievert, Karl-Dietrich; Sawodny, Oliver; Stenzl, Arnulf; Aicher, Wilhelm K.: "Precise injection of human mesemchymal stromal cells in the urthral sphincter complex of Göttingen minipigs without unspecific bulking effects"; in Neurology and Urodynamics, 2016

Wagenpfeil, Jay; Schöllig, Christina; Mayer, Volker; Feuer, Ronny, Nold, Bernhard; Neugebauer, Alexander; Ederer, Michael; Rothmund, Ralf; Krämer, Bernhard; Brucker, Sara; Enderle, Markus; Sawodny, Oliver; Rex, Julia: §In silico evaluation of geometry variations with respect to the thermal spread during coagulation of egg white using bipolar vessel sealing instruments"; in BioMedical Engineering Online 2016, 15 (1), 117

von Wulffen, Joachim; Feuer, Ronny; Sawodny, Oliver: "Transition of an Anaerobic Escherichia coli Culture to Aerobiosis: Balancing m RNA and Protein Levels in an Demand-Directed Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis"; in PLOS ONE, PONE-D-16-14957, 2016

Rex, J.; Albrecht, U.; Thomas, M.; Zanger, U.; Ehlting, Ch.; Häussinger, D.; Ederer, M.; Feuer, R.; Sawodny, O.: "Model-based Characterization of Inflammatory Gene Expression Patterns of Activated Macrophages"; in PLOS Computational Biology 12 No 7, 2016

Wittmuess, Philipp; Tarín, Cristina; Keck, Alexander; Arnold, Eckhard; Sawodny, Oliver: "Parametric Model Ordern Reduction via Balanced Truncation with Taylor Series Representation"; in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, Vol 61 No 11

Klünder, Marion; Sawodny, Oliver; Amend, Bastian; Ederer, Michael; Kelp, Alexandra, Sievert, Karl-Dietrich; Stenzl, Arnulf; Feuer, Ronny: "Signal processing in urodynamics: towards high definition urethral pressure profilometry"; in BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2016

Falkenhahn, Valentin; Mahl, Tobias; Hildebrandt, Alexander; Neumann, Rüdiger; Sawodny, Oliver: "Dynamic modeling of bellows-actuated continuum robots using the Euler-Lagrange formalism"; in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2015 Vol 31 No 6

Knies, David; Wittmüß, Philipp; Appel, Sebastian; Sawodny, Oliver; Ederer, Michael; Feuer, Ronny: "Modelling and simulation of optimal resource management during the diurnal cacle in Emiliania huxleyi by genome-scale reconstruction and an extended flux balance analysis approach"; in Metabolites 2015, 5

Feuer, R.; Thomas, M.; Zanger, U.; Vlaic, S.; Dahmen, U.; Arlt, J.; Sawodny, O.: " LEMming: a linear error model to normalize parallel quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) data as an alternative to reference gene based methods"; in PLoS One 2015, Sep 1;10(9): e 0135852

Klünder, M.; Amend, B.; Ederer, M.; Veagler, M.; Kelp, A.; Feuer, R.; Sievert K.-D.; Stenzl, A.; Sawodny, O.: " High Definition Urethral Pressure Profilometry and Urodynamics"; in Neurourology Urodynamics 2016, Nov, 35 (8)

Steinhilber, B.; Hoffmann,S.; Karlivic,K.; Pfeffer, S.; Maiere, Th.; Hallasheh, O.; Kruck, S.; Seibt, R.; Rieger, M. A.; Heidingsfeld, M.; Feuer, R.; Sawodny, O.; Rothmund, R.; Sievert, K.-D.: "Development of an arm support system to improve ergonomics in laparascopic surgery: study design and provisional results in Surgical Endoscopy"; in Surgical Endoscopy 2015, Sept, 29(9):2851-8

Lutz, Anna; Sanwald, Julia, Thomas, Maria; Feuer, Ronny; Sawodny, Oliver; Ederer, Michael; Borner, Christoph; Humar, Matjaz; Merfort, Irmgard; "Interleukin-1ß Enhances FasL-Induced Caspase-3/-7 activity without Increasing Apoptosis in Primary Mouse Hepatocates"; in PLos One 2014 Vol 9, 12

Ederer, Micahel; Steinsiek, Sonja; Stagge, Stefan; Rolfe, Metthew D.; Ter Beek, Alexander; Knies, David; Teixeira de Mattos, M. Joost; Sauter, Thomas; Green, Jeffrey; Poole, Robert K.; Bettenbrock, Katja; Sawodny, Oliver: "A mathematical model of metabolism and regulation provides a systems-level view of how Escherichia coli responds to oxygen"; in Frontiers in Microbiology 2014, Vol 5

Henkel, S.; Ter Beek, A.; Steinsiek, S.; Stagge, S.; Bettenbrock, K.; Teixera de Mattos, J.; Ssauter, T.; Sawodny, O.; Ederer, M.; "Basic Regulatory Principles of Escherichia coli's Electron Transport Chain for Varying Oxygen Conditions"; in PLOS One, Sept 2014, Vol 9 (9) e107640

Elektrotechnik (1986 – 1991), Universität Karlsruhe, Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing.

Zweitstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1991 – 1995), Fernuniversität Hagen, Abschluss: Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.


Habilitation: Habilitationsschrift mit dem Thema „Kranautomatisierung und Großraumrobotik“, Universität Ulm, 2001, Prof. Hofer

Promotion zum Dr.-Ing.: Dissertation mit dem Thema „Modellbasierte Qualitätsregelung in der spanenden Fertigung am Beispiel der Drehbearbeitung“, Universität Ulm, 1996, Prof. Goch

2005 – heute, Direktor Institut für Systemdynamik, Universität Stuttgart

2002 – 2005, Professor und Institutsleiter TU Ilmenau, Institut für Automatisierungs- und Systemtechnik (C4), Leiter des Fachgebiets Regelungstechnik, Mitglied in der Leitung des Fraunhofer Anwendungszentrums Systemtechnik, Ilmenau

1996 – 2001, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Ulm, Abteilung: Mess-, Regel- und Mikrotechnik, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Automatisierungstechnik

1991 – 1996, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Ulm, Arbeitsgruppe Messtechnik

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